
The Best of Classic Swing and More!

Great Music for Listening and Dancing.

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The Swing Collective is a classic big band based in the greater Sacramento area. While a love for classic swing era music brought us together and makes up the largest part of our musical repertoire the band performs a variety of jazz and popular songs to entertain listeners of all ages.

The band varies in size based on the performance venue. Generally, you will see and hear Swing Collective in its full size of 19 musicians. This includes our fantastic vocalists. However, a smaller ensemble of six to ten musicians is perfect for the more intimate venues.

Yes, we are for hire and are excited to entertain at private events. Weddings, anniversary, holiday events we do it all.

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The minimum tip is $2.00

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A band ought to have a sound all of its own. It ought to have a personality.” - Glenn Miller